Nikhil Bose considers himself as the son of the Sun, dedicated to serving Mother Earth. His transformative journey began in a reserve forest in 2013, where he discovered that nature holds profound knowledge beyond human wisdom. This realization inspired him to pursue his dream of working harmoniously with nature and connecting those around him to its inherent wisdom.
As a Permaculturist, Nikhil actively raises awareness at the grassroots level, training others to coexist with nature and embrace a sustainable lifestyle. After 11 years of polishing his skills in the confines of a 9-5 job and the fast-paced urban life, he now finds joy in the tranquility of green fields, smiling faces, and the melodies of chirping birds.
In his role as a Permaculture consultant, Nikhil is dedicated to rejuvenating ecosystems through thoughtful Permaculture land design, natural farming methods, and learning from the wisdom of elders. Nikhil, the essence of evolution lies in coexisting with nature.